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The Letter Y

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Basics on the topic The Letter Y

Join Dee and Kala in the phonics garden and learn all about y!

Transcript The Letter Y

Let’s join Dee and Kala in the phonics garden and learn all about /y/. This is the letter Y, it makes the /y/ sound. This is a capital /Y/ and this is a lower case /y/. They both make the /y/ sound like in yawn, yellow and yoga! Let's practise the /y/ sound with Kala! "/Y/, /y/!" Can you spy anything in the garden that begins with /y/? "There's a yo-yo, that starts with /y/!" Is there anything else in the garden that starts with /y/? "There's some yoghurt, that also begins with /y/!" Uh-oh! /Y/ is hiding with the other letters! Can you help find /y/ in the alphabet? Point to the letter when you find it! Did you also point here? You did some great work in the phonics garden! Today we learnt all about /y/, we listened to and made the /y/ sound! We found words that begin with /y/ and found it in the alphabet! Interested in a challenge? Watch this video again and see if you can find the yarn, the yak and the yacht in the garden! Comment below when you find them! If you want to learn more, check out the next sound!

The Letter Y exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video The Letter Y.
  • Which one is the correct letter?


    Listen carefully to the sound, play it again and think about what you can hear.

    I like to eat _______.

    Look again at the picture above. What sound does this word start with?


    The correct letter is y. This makes the /y/ sound.

  • What sound does the letter make?


    The word yes starts with the sound.

    Listen to all four sounds again. Which one is the same as the beginning of the word you?


    The correct sound is /y/.

  • Find the objects that begin with y.


    There are 5 things that start with y to highlight.

    Listen to this word. Can you find it in the picture?

    Listen carefully to the names of the objects.


    The five things that begin with y are:

    • yoga
    • yacht
    • yeti
    • yellow
    • yoyo
  • What is the word?


    What other sounds can you hear?

    Here we can see the words with pictures. Use this to help you find the matching pairs above.


    The words are:

    1. yum
    2. yuck
    3. yes
    4. yell
  • Help Kala find the objects that begin with y.


    A yak is like a cow. A yolk is the middle of an egg.

    Listen to the sound. Which words begin with this sound?

    Say all of the items out loud. In which ones do you hear the /y/ sound at the beginning?

    There are two correct choices.


    Yak and yolk start with /y/.

  • Can you put the words in the correct group?


    Listen carefully to this word. Do you hear y at the beginning?

    Think carefully about the first sound that you hear, is it y or a different sound?

    There are 2 words that begin with y and 4 words that do not.


    Year and yolk have y at the beginning.

    Sun, pan, car and pear do not.