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Counting Coins — Let's Practise!

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Basics on the topic Counting Coins — Let's Practise!

Join Razzi and practise counting coins!

Transcript Counting Coins — Let's Practise!

Razzi says get these items ready because today we're going to practise counting coins! It's time to begin! Let's calculate the total value of these coins shown! Pause the video to work on the problem and press play when you are ready to see the solution! There are two twenty pence coins, three ten pence coins, one five pence coin and three one pence coins. The total value is seventy-eight pence! Did you also get this? Let's tackle the next problem! What is the total of these coins? Pause the video to work on the problem and press play when you are ready to see the solution! There is one fifty pence coin, two twenty pence coins, one ten pence coin, three five pence coins, two two pence coins and six one pence coins. The total value is one hundred and twenty five pence or one pound and twenty-five pence. Did you also get this? Let's tackle one last problem! What is the total of these coins? Pause the video to work on the problem and press play when you are ready to see the solution! There are two fifty pence coins, four five pence coins and seven one pence coins. The total value is one hundred and twenty-seven pence or one pound and twenty-seven pence! Did you also get this? Razzi had so much fun practising with you today! See you next time!

Counting Coins — Let's Practise! exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Counting Coins — Let's Practise!.
  • Find and name the silver coins.


    The edges of 20p and 50p are straight, these are not circular coins.

    Look at the size difference between a 20p coin and a 50p coin.

    A 5p coin is a small, round silver coin.


    Here are the coins in order from lowest value to greatest value:

    • A 5p coin
    • A 10p coin
    • A 20p coin
    • A 50p coin

  • Count a group of mixed coins.


    Start with the largest value coin, then add the others on to this.

    A 10p coins and a 5p are both silver and round, but the 10p coin is larger.

    Look at the size difference between a 20p coin and a 50p coin.


    The coins that make 52p are: 20p + 20p + 10p + 2p.

  • Find the value of a group of coins.


    Get out a piece of paper and a pencil. Write down the value of each coin you see in the group. Then, add them all together to find that group's total value.

    Remember, 100p is the same thing as £1.00. If you have over 100p, you can write the value using pounds and pence.


    The 4 groups of coins are shown here with their totals.

    • 72p
    • £1.07
    • 57p
    • 48p

  • Count and order the groups of coins.


    When counting coins, count the greatest value coins first.

    Get a pencil and paper. Write the value of each coin down and add them together.

    Remember that 100p is the same as £1.00.


    After adding to find the total value of coins in each group, the groups should have been arranged from lowest value to greatest value.

    The totals in order from lowest to greatest value are:

    • 9p
    • 35p
    • 72p
    • £1.05
  • Count the total value of a group of coins.


    The coins are in order from highest to lowest value. The largest coin is the 50p. Add the other coins on to this.

    There are four coins to add.

    • 50p
    • 20p
    • 2p
    • 1p

    It is helpful to write down the value of each coin on a piece of paper, then add them all together.


    When you count coins, begin with the greatest value coin:

    • 50p is the largest value.
    • Add 20p onto this to get 70p.
    • Add 2p onto this to get 72p
    • Add 1p onto this to get a total of 73p.
  • Can you find the coins with the same value?


    Remember, a 5p coin is smaller than a 10p coin.

    Count similar coins together.For example, first add all the 10p coins, then the 5p coins, and so on.

    Try writing down all the values of the coins then adding these up.


    The total value of Razzi's coins is 25p.

    • The option that was equal had: 1 x 10p and 3 x 5p. 10 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25p