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Basics on the topic Coins

Learning about UK Coins

The gumball machine says 1p, the sticker machine says 5p, the horse says 10p and the helicopter says 2p. However, when Freddie and Zuri open their purse and see several coins inside, they are not sure if they have the right coins for each machine. In this video, Freddie and Zuri are learning coins.

UK Coins – Overview

When learning about coins, it is important to start with a definition. Coins are little, flat pieces of money made from metal. In the United Kingdom, most of our coins are worth an amount in pence an amount of money that is less than one pound. We use this symbol, p, to represent pence. If you have one pence, you would write it like this with the number one first and the p symbol after: 1p. Each coin is a different size, has a different face, and is worth a different amount. Some coins are copper-coloured while others look silvery. In the UK we also have two coins that are silver and gold coloured and are worth an amount in pounds.

In this learning money coins video, we will just be focussing on the four coins with the lowest value:

  • 1p coin
  • 2p coin
  • 5p coin
  • 10p coin

UK Coins – Values

When teaching children how to distinguish coins, it helps to show coins separately first. It is also important to show both the front and back of coins. Below is a list of values and descriptions for common UK coins:

  • The coin worth the least is 1p or a penny. 1p is worth one pence and is copper in colour.


  • Next is the 2p coin which is worth two pence. A 2p coin is also copper in colour but is bigger than a 1p coin.


  • 5p is the next coin and is worth five pence. It is round in shape and silver in colour.


  • The biggest coin this video focuses on is 10p. It is also round in shape and silver in colour but is bigger than a 5p coin.


In the UK, we have four further commonly used coins which other videos will focus on.

Identifying UK Coins

Let’s practise identifying some coins! First, is the gumball machine. It costs one pence. Which coin will we need?


We will need a 1p coin because it is worth one pence.

Next, let’s try the horse ride. It costs ten pence. Which coin will we need now?


We will need a 10p coin because it is worth ten pence.

Summary: Coins

  • In the United Kingdom, most of our coins are usually worth pence, an amount of money that is less than one pound.
  • This symbol, p, stands for the word pence.
Coin Value (p)
1p one penny
5p two pence
10p five pence
25p ten pence

UK Coins – Further Practice

Have you practised yet? On this website, you can also find learning coins worksheets UK as well as interactive exercises and activities.

Transcript Coins

Freddie and Zuri are getting ready to go into the supermarket. "Look at those machines, Zuri!" The gumballs cost one pence, the stickers cost five pence, the horse ride costs ten pence and the helicopter ride costs two pence. "Freddie! Let's get gumballs and stickers and go on the rides!" Freddie and Zuri open their purse and see several coins inside. "Do you think we have the right coins?" "Hmm, I don't know..." Let's help Freddie and Zuri by teaching them all about coins! Coins are little, flat pieces of money made from metal. In the United Kingdom we use money called pounds and pence. We can represent pounds with this symbol and we can represent pence with a p like this. If you have one pence, you would write it like this with the number one first and the p after. Each coin is a different size, has a different face and is worth a different amount. All of the coins have the monarch on the other side. In the UK we have eight main coins. Some coins are copper-coloured while others look silvery. Some are a gold and silver colour. Today we are going to focus on the four coins with the lowest values. The coin worth the least is called the penny or a one p coin. A penny is worth one pence and is copper in colour. Next is the two p coin which is worth two pence. A two p coin is copper in colour but is larger than the penny. This is the five p coin. It is worth five pence. A five p coin is the smallest in size and is silver in colour. This is the ten p coin which is worth ten pence. It is also a silver colour but is larger than a 5 p. Now that we know about these coins, we can help Freddie and Zuri match the ones in their purse to the correct machine! First is the gumball machine. It costs one pence. Which coin will we need? We will need a penny, or one p coin, because this coin is worth one pence. Next is the sticker machine. It costs five pence. Which coin will we need this time? We will need a five p coin because this coin is worth five pence. Now we have the horse ride. It costs ten pence. Which coin will we need now? We will need a ten p coin because this coin is worth ten pence. Finally we have the helicopter ride. It costs two pence. Which coin should we pick? We should pick the two p because this coin is worth two pence. Now that Freddie and Zuri have all of the coins they need, let's remember! Coins are little, flat pieces of money made from metal. The coins we looked at today are all worth pence. We use a p to represent pence. The four coins with the lowest values are a penny, or one p coin which is worth one pence, a two p coin which is worth two pence, a five p coin which is worth five pence and a ten p coin which is worth ten pence. "Wasn't there another reason we came today?"

Coins exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Coins.
  • Can you match the coin to the item?


    The coins with the lowest values are copper coloured.

    • 2 p is a bigger coin than 1 p.
    • 10 p is a bigger coin than 5 p.
    • The strawberry cost 1 p. A 1 p coin is small, round and copper coloured.
    • The banana cost 2 p. A 2 p coin is also round and copper coloured, but is larger than a 1 p.
    • The juice cost 5 p. A 5 p coin is small, round and silver coloured.
    • The cake cost 10 p. A 10 p coin is also round and silver coloured, but is larger than a 5 p.
  • What can Freddie buy?


    What colour is Freddie's coin? Can you remember which coins are this colour?

    • 1 p and 2 p are copper coloured.
    • 5 p and 10 p are silver coloured.

    Have a look at the writing on the coin. Can you see any numbers written?


    Freddie can buy the pineapple.

    He had a 1 p coin which is small, round and copper coloured.

  • How much do these items cost?


    Which coin is in each picture? That is how much the item is worth.


    • 1 p and 2 p coins are copper coloured.
    • 5 p and 10 p coins are silver coloured.
    • 2 p coins are bigger than 1 p coins, and 10 p coins are bigger than 5 p coins.

    • The blueberry costs 1 p.
    • The raspberry costs 2 p.
    • The biscuit costs 5 p.
    • The pasta costs 10 p.
  • Which coins should Zuri and Freddie use?


    Freddie needs a 2 p highlighted in yellow.

    Zuri needs a 10 p highlighted in blue.

    • 2 p coins are copper coloured.
    • 10 p coins are silver coloured.

    Here is the coin Freddie should use in yellow and the coin Zuri should use in blue.

    • Freddie needed a 2 p coin. These are round and copper coloured. They are bigger than 1 p coins.
    • Zuri needed a 10 p coin. These are round and silver coloured. They are bigger than 5 p coins.
  • Which coin should Zuri use?


    They toy unicorn costs 5 p. What colour and size is a 5 p coin?

    A 5 p coin is a silver colour.

    Have a look at the words on the coin. Are any of them written numbers?


    Zuri should use this coin, a 5 p.

    A 5 p coin is small, round and silver in colour.

  • Can you order the groups of coins?


    Find the total of each group first.

    For example, if we were adding a 2 p and a 1 p, we would get the total of 3 p.


    Here is the correct order: