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Text Features — Let's Practise!

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Basics on the topic Text Features — Let's Practise!

Let Goopaw help you practise identifying text features!

Transcript Text Features — Let's Practise!

Goopaw says get ready to practise finding text features. Here is an example. Does this example show a table of contents, a heading, or a caption? This example shows where each chapter or topic is in the book, showing a table of contents! Let's look at another example. Does this example show a table of contents, a heading, or a caption? This example shows a short phrase above the text, all about starfish, so, it shows a heading! Here is the next example. Does this example show a table of contents, a heading, or a caption? This example shows a short explanation below a picture, so, it is showing a caption! Here is the next example. Does this example show a table of contents, a heading, or a caption? This example is showing where each topic is in the book, so, it shows a table of contents! Here is the last example. Does this example show a table of contents, a heading, or a caption? This example shows 'what are robots' above the text, so, it is showing a heading! Goopaw had so much fun practising with you today! See you next time!

Text Features — Let's Practise! exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Text Features — Let's Practise!.
  • Identify if each picture has a heading.


    A heading can be a word or a phrase.

    A heading is located at the top of the page.

    There are two correct answers.

    This image contains the header, All About Starfish.


    A heading is at the top of a page. It tells you what the topic of the page is.

    • The first picture is a table of contents. It contains where each topic is located within the text.
    • The second image contains names as headers.
    • The third image is of a postcard.
    • The final image is of a newspaper and contains a heading.
  • What is the purpose of a table of contents?


    The table of contents is found at the beginning of a book.

    Why might the table of contents contain page numbers?

    The table of contents gives a list of chapters or sections.


    The table of contents shows where each chapter or topic is found in the book.

  • Label the text features.


    Captions can be found above or below pictures.

    Headers are in a bold-faced or larger font.


    Headers are located at the top of the page. They are usually in bigger and/or bold font. Table of contents give the topics to be read and page numbers. Captions can be found under or above pictures or videos.

  • Recall the functions of text features.


    This is an example of a caption.

    This is an example of a table of contents.

    Text features help you find and understand information.

    The caption explains what or who is in a picture.

    The table of contents shows where to find information.

    The header helps you identify the main topic.

    • The insects picture has no text and is an image.
    • The cow image has text below and is a caption.
    • The list of topics about starfish with numbers is a table of contents.
    • The bold title over the image in the newspaper is a header.
  • Identify the caption on the page.


    Captions are located above or below pictures or videos.

    A website's table of contents or menu can be found along the top of the page.


    Captions can be found under or above pictures or videos. Captions give readers information about the picture or video.

  • Determine the text features on a page.


    The header will be in larger size font and above the main text.

    Captions are located by an image and give information about the image.


    The header is located at the top of the page in bigger font. Under the image is a caption. The table of contents is at the bottom of the page here and provides a list of topics with the page number.