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The Number 9

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Basics on the topic The Number 9

The Number 9

In this video on number 9, Skylar and Henry find out all about the number 9. However, they are missing some information! They learn how to spell the number 9, look at images of the number 9, have a go at number 9 activities and explore what does the number 9 represent. Take a look below to learn more facts about the number 9.

What does the number 9 mean?

Let’s learn more about the number nine with the following explanation. When someone talks about the number nine, they are talking about the number of things that they have. The number 9 meaning is that there are nine items in a group!

How to write the number 9

The number nine has a circle at the top and a straight line down the right hand side. To write the number nine, we need to start at the very top line and draw a circle round, then we keep our pencil on the paper and draw a straight line down! Can you write the number 9 with the video?

What is the number 9- summary

Today we learnt all about the number nine, how to write the number nine and groups of objects that represent the number nine.

Number 9 activities EYFS

Have you practised yet? On this website, you can also find worksheets, exercises and activities for number 9 after the video so that you can say, “ I can show the number 9!”.

Transcript The Number 9

Let's make room for "The Number NINE"! "What's the number NINE anyway?" Today we will learn about the number NINE. When someone says there are NINE things, they are talking about the number of objects. "Like the NINE planets in my mobile?" "Or the NINE squares in our tic-tac-toe game?" That's right, Skylar and Henry. Those are GREAT examples of the number NINE. Can you see any other examples of the number NINE in Henry and Skylars room? There are NINE football players in the team photograph! Is there another example of the number NINE? There are NINE pool balls on the bedspread! What does the number NINE look like?

Skylar and Henry both have the number NINE on their tee-shirts! The number nine looks a little bit like a party mask on a stick. How do you write the number nine? To write the number nine, we need to start at the very top line and make a circle from there to the middle line. Then on the right side, draw a line from the top to the bottom, but make sure it touches the circle you made Let's practice drawing the number nine! Put your finger in the air and trace it with us! Now THAT is a great looking nine, thanks for helping! Can you clap NINE times? Let's clap out NINE together, ready, let's go! One, two. Today we learnt all about the number NINE. We learnt about objects in sets of NINE, the number NINE, and how to write it! Up for a challenge? Watch this video again and see if you can find the playing card with NINE hearts, NINE string lights, and the NINEth day of the NINEth month hidden in the room! Comment below when you find them! If you want to learn more, check out the next number the number TEN!

The Number 9 exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video The Number 9.
  • Can you find the number 9?


    Have a look at the picture at the top. Can you see the number nine?

    Find the number that looks the same as the one on Skylar's t-shirt.


    This is the number 9.

  • Find 9.


    Look at the highlightable objects. Count each group and if it has 9, highlight it.

    Carefully count each object in a group.


    In this picture, we can see:

    • 9 balls on the duvet cover.
    • the number 9 on Skylar and Henry's t-shirts.
    • the number 9 on the clock.
    • 9 objects on the mobile.

  • How many spots are there?


    Use the number line to help you count.

    Start at the number 1 and count each spot.


    Start at the number 1 then count on. Stop counting when you get to the last spot. That is how many spots there are!

  • Can you put the numbers in the right order?


    Put the numbers in order, starting with the number 1.

    Look at the number line. What comes after 1?


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    This is the correct order.

  • Which picture shows 9 fish?


    Count the fish. Can you find which one shows 9?

    Select the picture that shows 9 fish.


    Start at 1 then count up to 9. This picture shows 9 fish.

  • How many do you see?


    Use the number line to help you count the pictures.

    The last number you say when counting the objects, is the total number in the group.


    Here we can see the totals of each group of objects.

    • 9 apples
    • 8 balloons
    • 9 flowers
    • 7 books