Antonyms — Let's Practise!

Basics on the topic Antonyms — Let's Practise!
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Antonyms — Let's Practise! exercise
What is an antonym?
HintsA synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word!
Happy and sad are antonyms. Are these the same or opposite?
Solution- An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.
- In contrast, a synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word.
Which is the antonym?
HintsThink of a person that is "cheerful" as full of cheer!
If people wish others a "Merry Christmas", does that mean the opposite of happy?
The opposite of happy is sad. Which word has the same meaning as sad?
SolutionAn antonym of happy is miserable. Cheerful, jolly and merry are all synonyms of happy!
What are the antonyms?
HintsThink of someone who is fearful as full of fear.
A knight is valiant.
There are 2 correct answers.
SolutionThe antonyms for brave are fearful and cowardly. Courageous and valiant are synonyms of brave.
Which words are antonyms and which are not?
HintsA synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word.
Goopaw is eating a substantial amount of pizza!
This box is minuscule compared to Goopaw!
SolutionThe antonyms of small are: large, enormous, giant and substantial.
All the other words are synonyms of small.
What is the antonym?
HintsAn antonym is a word that means the opposite of another.
When something happens swiftly it happens quickly.
A snail does not move swiftly!
SolutionThe antonym of swift is slow. Hurried, fast, rapid and swift all have similar definitions.
Which words are antonyms?
HintsLook for words with the opposite meaning!
After eating this pizza, Goopaw will be satiated.
SolutionThe antonym pairs are:
- hungry and satiated
- defend and attack
- distant and near
- rare and common
- interesting and dull
- tame and wild

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