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How many?

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Basics on the topic How many?

Learn to Count – Introduction

We learn to use 1:1 correspondence to count and answer the question “how many?”. Let’s learn how to count to answer how many with the following explanation.

When we ask “how many?”, we want to know the number, or amount, of something. Another way to ask this is ”how much?” or ”what's the total?”. To find out how many things there are, it is important to count each item carefully until the last one is reached. Objects can be shown neatly in a line, in a grid (array), or in a circle. But other times, items can be shown scattered all over. Whichever way objects are shown, it is critical to take your time while counting!

Learn to Count – Example

Your parents’ old keyboard is missing some keys. Luckily, we have a box in front of us with some spare keys. To figure out ‘how many’ keys there are in this box, we need to do the following:

  • First, pick a place to start counting. The top left corner is a good place to start.


  • Then, count aloud and mark off each item! This way, nothing gets skipped.


  • Keep going until everything has been counted! Here there are one, two, three, four, five, six keys!


Since we stopped at six, this is how many keys there are. How many keys does the box contain? six!

Learn to Count – Summary

Today, we had a first look at how counting works to answer the question “How many?”. We looked at an example where we wanted to count the amount of spare keys to a keyboard. To figure out how many keys there are in this box, keep the following steps in mind:

Step # What to do
1 Pick a place to start counting.
2 Count aloud and mark off each item;
this way nothing gets skipped.
3 Keep going until everything has been counted!
4 The final number is how many items there are.

Have you practiced yet? On this website, you can also train your counting and learn how to count with our printable worksheets and interactive exercises.

How many? exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video How many?.
  • How many keys are in Mr. Squeaks' box?


    Choose somewhere to start counting and then count every key.

    Here, we can count the 4 items and tick each one as we count.


    Mr. Squeaks has 5 keys in his box. Here we can count each one and tick them as we count.

  • How many spanners are on the workbench?


    Start on the left and count each spanner as you highlight them. You can count as you highlight each one.

    Which number on the right shows the total number of spanners?


    Mr. Squeaks has 7 spanners on his workbench.

  • How many items are there?


    Choose an item to begin counting. Start from the left and count one at a time.

    When you have counted all the items in a box, find the number that shows this amount.

    When you count, the last number you say is the total.


    When we count the total number of items, we can see that there are:

    • 3 drills
    • 5 screws
    • 6 hammers
    • 8 screwdrivers

  • Which images have a total of 4?


    Try touching or ticking off each item as you count it. The last number you say is the total.

    Remember that Mr. Squeaks is looking for items in a group of four.

    There are two correct options to choose.


    Mr. Squeaks can choose the 4 strawberries and the 4 plums.

  • How many are there?


    Choose an item to begin counting. Start from the left and count one at a time.

    Try touching or ticking off each item as you count it. The last number you say is the total.


    In total, there are:

    • 3 blue paint tins
    • 5 yellow paint tins
    • 6 red paint tins
    • 4 black paint tins

  • How many are in each image?


    Begin by choosing one of the images of sweets to count, then count carefully, one at a time.

    When you know the total number of sweets in an image, look for the tens frame that shows the same total.


    This image shows the totals matched together correctly.