Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Hundred
Basics on the topic Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Hundred
Rounding to the Nearest Hundred – Introduction
Imagine you see a really old tree and want to estimate its age. Instead of saying “I think this tree is around 210 years old” you would probably rather say “I think this tree is around 200 years old”. That means you rounded the number to the nearest hundred. But how exactly do you round to the nearest hundred? Below you will find an explanation with examples on how this works.
How to Round to the Nearest Hundred
When rounding off numbers to the nearest hundred, a place value chart can help you. You will need a place value chart with hundreds, tens, and ones, like the one below.
If you're asking yourself the question “how do I round to the nearest hundred?”, you can find the answer with examples and steps here:
First, you identify the hundreds place and then you look at the place value to the right, which is the tens place. If the number in the tens place is below five, we round down to the nearest hundred and keep the hundreds place the same. If the number in the tens place is five or above, we round up to the nearest hundred, meaning we add one to the number in the hundreds place. Every place value to the right of the hundreds place becomes zero.
Rounding to the Nearest Hundred – Examples
Below you can find some examples of rounding whole numbers to the nearest hundred. One example is a rounding down to the nearest hundred problem and the other is a rounding up to the nearest hundred problem.
Rounding Down to the Nearest Hundred
The number here is 835. First, we need to identify the hundreds place value, which is an 8. Then, we go to the place value to the right, the tens place. Here we see a 3. 3 is a number that is below five, so we know we need to round down to the nearest hundred. This means the 8 in the hundreds place stays the same, and we replace the numbers in the tens and ones place value with zeroes. 835 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800.
Rounding Up to the Nearest Hundred
The number here is 352. First, we identify the number in the hundreds place, which is a 3. Then, we go to the tens place again. Here we see a 5. 5 is a number that is five or above, so we know we need to round up to the nearest hundred. This means the 3 in the hundreds place becomes a 4 because we add one to it, and we replace the numbers in the tens and ones place value with zeroes. 352 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400.
Rounding to the Nearest Hundred – Summary
To round to the nearest hundred, you can set up a place value chart to help you.
Follow these steps to round to the nearest hundred:
- Identify the hundreds place number
- Look at the number to the right in the tens place value
- If the tens place number is below five, round down
- If the tens place number is five or above, round up
- If rounding down, keep the number in the hundreds place the same and replace the tens and ones place with a zero
- If rounding up, add one to the number in the hundreds place and replace the tens and ones place with a zero
So, remember:
If the number is …, | you… |
between 0 and 4 | round down |
between 5 and 9 | round up |
If you want to practise some more, you can also find worksheets and exercises on how to round to the nearest hundred after the video. Soon you'll master the numbers easily!
Transcript Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Hundred
Skylar and Henry want to attend a concert, but all the tickets are sold out! Going home, they come to a bridge they need to cross. Wait, who is that standing on the bridge? It's the Tricky Troll! "I have a rounding to the nearest hundred problem for you both, and if you solve it, I shall give you two tickets to the concert!" "Rounding to the nearest hundred" When rounding to the nearest hundred, we can use a PLACE VALUE CHART like this to help us set up our Hundreds, Tens, and Ones columns. We want to round to the nearest hundred, so THIS is where we start, and then we look at the place value to the right, which is the tens place. If the number in the tens place is BELOW FIVE, we ROUND DOWN to the nearest hundred and keep the hundreds place number the same, but if the number in the tens place is FIVE OR ABOVE, we ROUND UP to the nearest hundred, meaning we add one to the number in the hundreds place. Every place value to the right of the hundreds place becomes zero. Let’s look at some examples. Here we see the number eight hundred and thirty-five. First let's identify the hundreds place. Do you know which number is in the hundreds place?
Eight is in the hundreds place. Next go to the place value to the RIGHT of the hundreds place, which is the tens place. What number is in the tens place?
Three is in the tens place. Three is a number BELOW five, so we ROUND DOWN to the nearest hundred. This means the hundreds place STAYS an eight, and we replace both the TENS and ONES place with ZEROS. Eight hundred and thirty-five rounded to the nearest hundred is eight hundred. It is closer to eight hundred than it is to nine hundred! Here is another example. The number is three hundred and fifty-two. First, let's indentify the hundreds place. What number is in the hundreds place?
Three is in the hundreds place. Now we look at the place value to the right of the hundreds place. What number is in the tens place?
Five is in the tens place. Five is a number "five or above", meaning we ROUND UP to the nearest hundred. This means the hundreds place BECOMES a four because we add one to the three, and we replace the TENS and ONES places with ZEROS. Three hundred and fifty-two rounded to the nearest hundred is four hundred. It is closer to four hundred than it is to three hundred! Now that you know how to round numbers to the nearest hundred using place value, let's see if you can help Skylar and Henry win concert tickets from the Tricky Troll. The Tricky Troll gives them a number to round, which is six hundred and twenty-nine. What is the first step you need to do?
First, you identify the hundreds place. What is the number in the hundreds place?
Six is in the hundreds place. What is the next step?
Next, you look at the number in the tens place.
Two is in the tens place. You know that two is a number BELOW FIVE, so should we ROUND DOWN, or ROUND UP?
You ROUND DOWN to the nearest hundred. What is six hundred and twenty-nine rounded to the nearest hundred?
Six hundred and twenty-nine rounded to the nearest hundred is six hundred. It is closer to six hundred than it is to seven hundred. Now the Tricky Troll's problem has been solved. Skylar and Henry can attend the concert! Remember, when rounding to the nearest hundred with place value, we identify the number in the hundreds place, then look at the place value to the right which is the tens place. If the tens place number is BELOW FIVE, we ROUND DOWN to the nearest hundred. If the tens place number is FIVE OR ABOVE, we ROUND UP to the nearest hundred. Once inside the concert, they are shocked to see that the Tricky Troll is one of the band members!
Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Hundred exercise
Round the number of listeners to the nearest hundred.
HintsTo round to the nearest hundred, look at the digit in the tens place.
- If the tens place is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round down.
- If the tens place is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round up.
- When rounding down, the number in the hundreds place stays the same.
- When rounding up, the number in the hundreds place is one more.
For example, the number 832 rounds to 800 because there is a 3 in the tens place.
The number 862 rounds to 900 because there is a 6 in the tens place.
SolutionFirst, look at the number in the tens place. In 143, the number 4 is in the tens place.
So, 143 will round down. This means the number "1" stays in the hundreds place and will be followed by two 0s.
The number 143 rounds down to 100.
Round the numbers to the nearest hundred.
HintsTo round to the nearest hundred, look at the digit in the tens place.
- If the tens place is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round down.
- If the tens place is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round up.
- When rounding down, the number in the hundreds place stays the same.
- When rounding up, the number in the hundreds place is one more.
For example, the number 832 rounds to 800 because there is a 3 in the tens place.
The number 862 rounds to 900 because there is a 6 in the tens place.
SolutionFor each number, first find the tens place. Then, round up or down.
- In the number 701, the number 0 is in the tens place. So, this rounds down and the hundreds place stays the same. 701 rounded to the nearest hundred is 700.
- In the number 745, the number 4 is in the tens place. So, this rounds down and the hundreds place stays the same. 745 rounded to the nearest hundred is 700.
- In the number 803, the number 0 is in the tens place. So, this rounds down and the hundreds place stays the same. 803 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800.
- In the number 752, the number 5 is in the tens place. So, this rounds up and the hundreds place goes up by 1. 752 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800.
- In the number 760, the number 6 is in the tens place. So, this rounds up and the hundreds place goes up by 1. 760 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800.
- In the number 673, the number 7 is in the tens place. So, this rounds up and the hundreds place goes up by 1. 673 rounded to the nearest hundred is 700.
Round each number to the nearest hundred.
HintsTo round to the nearest hundred, look at the digit in the tens place.
- If the tens place is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round down.
- If the tens place is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round up.
- When rounding down, the number in the hundreds place stays the same.
- When rounding up, the number in the hundreds place is one more.
For example, the number 832 rounds to 800 because there is a 3 in the tens place.
The number 862 rounds to 900 because there is a 6 in the tens place.
SolutionHere we see the numbers on the left hand side, and the hundred they round to on the right. For each number, first find the tens place. Then, round up or down.
- In the number 340, the number 4 is in the tens place. So, this rounds down and the hundreds place stays the same. 340 rounded to the nearest hundred is 300.
- In the number 461, the number 6 is in the tens place. So, this rounds up and the hundreds place goes up by 1. 461 rounded to the nearest hundred is 500.
- In the number 209, the number 0 is in the tens place. So, this rounds down and the hundreds place stays the same. 209 rounded to the nearest hundred is 200.
- In the number 352, the number 5 is in the tens place. So, this rounds up and the hundreds place goes up by 1. 352 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400.
Which students have rounded correctly?
HintsTo round to the nearest hundred, look at the digit in the tens place.
- If the tens place is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round down.
- If the tens place is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round up.
- When rounding down, the number in the hundreds place stays the same.
- When rounding up, the number in the hundreds place is one more.
For example, the number 235 rounds to 200 because there is a 3 in the tens place.
The number 265 rounds to 300 because there is a 6 in the tens place.
SolutionFor each number, first find the tens place. Then, round up or down. Check if it was correctly rounded.
- In the number 347, there is a 4 in the tens place. So, 347 rounds down to 300. Noah is incorrect.
- In the number 752, there is a 5 in the tens place. So, 752 rounds up to 800. Emma is correct.
- In the number 974, there is a 7 in the tens place. So, 974 rounds up to 1,000. Misha is correct.
- In the number 809, there is a 0 in the tens place. So, 809 rounds down to 900. TJ is incorrect.
- In the number 617, there is a 1 in the tens place. So, 617 rounds down to 600. Ethan is correct.
Find the rule for rounding to the nearest hundred.
Hints- If the tens place is less than 5, the number rounds down.
- If the tens place is 5 or greater, the number rounds up.
SolutionWhen 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 is in the tens place, the hundreds place rounds down.
When 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 is in the tens place, the hundreds place rounds up. -
Find the mystery number with the clues given.
HintsLook at each clue and try writing down some numbers that could be correct.
Try checking each answer choice to see if it matches each clue.
- When rounding to the nearest hundred, look at the number in the tens place.
- When rounding to the nearest ten, look at the number in the ones place.
SolutionLook at each answer choice. Each number ends with a 6.
But, 366 and 376 round up to 400 not 300. Only the numbers 276 and 266 round up to 300.
So, take a closer look at the numbers 276 and 266. The number 276 rounds to 280, so that cannot be it. But, 266 rounds up to 270.
So, 266 is the mystery number the troll was thinking of!

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Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Hundred

Rounding to the Nearest Hundred — Let's Practise!

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