Place Value - Ones, Tens, Hundreds and Thousands

Basics on the topic Place Value - Ones, Tens, Hundreds and Thousands
Place Value to the Thousands
Numbers in the thousands can be intimidating and confusing. But there is a way to represent numbers in the thousands in a simple manner. To find place value to the thousands, we can use a place value grid to represent the digits in numbers. The picture below shows an example of a place value grid with place value blocks to the thousands.
Place Value to the Thousands – Example
To find place value to the thousands, we can use a place value grid to help us. Let’s take a look at the number two thousand and ninety-seven to practise place value to thousands.
Starting at the thousand place, use two thousands place value blocks, and write two thousands underneath as this represents the thousands place value.
Now move to the hundreds place. There is the number zero here, so the place value of the hundreds is zero hundreds. Write this underneath the hundreds place.
Now move to the tens place. There is a number nine here, so use nine tens blocks. The place value of the tens is nine tens. Write this underneath the hundreds place.
Now move to the ones place. There is a number seven here, so use seven ones blocks. The place value of the ones is seven ones. Write this underneath the ones place.
Place Value to the Thousands – Summary
You can use a thousands, hundreds, tens and ones place value grid and place value blocks to thousands to help you identify the value of each digit in numbers up to the thousands place. Remember, each place value shows the value of the digit in that place!
Thousands | Hundreds | Tens | Ones |
The thousands place shows how many thousands there are |
The hundreds place shows how many hundreds there are |
The tens place shows how many tens there are |
The ones place shows how many ones there are |
Our number from the example – 2097 looks like this when put into a place value grid.
Th | H | T | O |
2 | 0 | 9 | 7 |
You can find more interactive exercises for place value grids to the thousands below for extra practice. There are also some worksheets for practising solving problems using place value grids to the thousands.
Transcript Place Value - Ones, Tens, Hundreds and Thousands
Skylar and Henry have been invited to a party at two thousand and ninety-seven Block Street. However, the houses on Block Street don't have normal numbers, they use base ten blocks to represent them. To find the location, Skylar and Henry will use "Place Value - Ones, Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands". Place value is the value of a digit based on its position in a number. We can use a place value chart and base ten blocks to help identify the value of each digit in a four digit number. Let's look at the first number one thousand, two hundred and thirty-five. In the thousands place use one thousands block because there is a one in the thousands place. The value of one in the thousands place is one thousand. In the hundreds place use two hundreds blocks because a two is in the hundreds place. The value of two in the hundreds place is two hundreds. In the tens place use three tens rods because a three is in the tens place. The value of three in the tens place is three tens. Finally, in the ones place use five ones blocks because there is a five in the ones place. The value of five in the ones place is five ones. Now that we have looked at place value in a four digit number let's help Skylar and Henry find the location of the party! On Block Street, they need to find the house number two thousand and ninety seven. Use a place value chart to set up the number. In the thousands place use two thousand blocks because two is in the thousands place. What is the value of the thousands place? The value is two thousands. In the hundreds place use zero hundreds blocks because zero is in the hundreds place. We use zero to hold the place value when there is no value for it. What is the value of the hundreds place? The value is zero hundreds. In the tens place use nine tens rods because nine is in the tens place. What is the value of the tens place? The value is nine tens. Finally, in the ones place use seven ones blocks because seven is in the ones place. What is the value of the ones place? The value is seven ones. Skylar and Henry will look for the location with base ten blocks like this above the door! While they make their way, let's review! Remember, base ten blocks can help identify the place value of numbers. The thousands place shows how many thousands there are. The hundreds place shows how many hundreds there are. The tens place shows how many tens there are. The ones place shows how many ones there are. "What do you think?" "Urmm, yeah, great block party!"
Place Value - Ones, Tens, Hundreds and Thousands exercise
What is the place value of the underlined digit?
HintsUse the table to help you identify which place 9 is in.
7 is in the ones place.
SolutionThe table shows the place value for each digit.
2 is in the thousands place. 0 is in the hundreds place. 9 is in the tens place. 7 is in the ones place.
Which number do the blocks represent?
HintsBase ten blocks represent a number. Count the blocks and find the matching number.
Look at the image to see what each block represents.
SolutionNumbers can be represented using base ten blocks.
- Single cubes represent the ones place. Count up in ones.
- Tens rods represent the tens place. Count up in tens.
- Hundreds plates represent the hundreds place. Count up in hundreds.
- Thousands blocks represent the thousands place. Count up in thousands.
Match the bold digit to its value.
HintsUse the place value grid to remind you of the value of each digit place.
Write each number onto a place value chart to help find the value of the bold digit.
SolutionEach digit in a number has a value. In a four digit number, working from left to right the order is:
Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones.
What value is shown?
HintsUse this chart to help you.
This image shows two ten rods, so the value = 20.
SolutionThe first picture has 3 thousand blocks so the image represented = 3,000
The second picture has 1 hundred blocks so the image represented = 100
The third picture has 4 tens so the image represented = 40
The last picture has 6 ones cubes so the image represented = 6
What is the value of the 4 in 7,418?
HintsTo find the value, think about what place the 4 is in. Use this place value chart to help you.
This is what the number looks like when written onto the place value chart.
SolutionIn the number 7,418 the 4 is in the hundreds place, so the 4 represents 4 hundreds.
What is the house number?
HintsUsing the place value blocks, start with the thousands, reading the number from left to right.
Once you have found how many thousands are in the number, next find the hundreds.
Try writing the value below each of the blocks shown.
SolutionThe house number is 1,264.
- There is one thousand
- There are two hundreds
- There are six tens
- There are four ones