Ordering Objects by Length—Let's Practise

Basics on the topic Ordering Objects by Length—Let's Practise
Today we are practising ordering objects by length with Razzi! This video contains examples to help you further practise and grow confident in this topic.
Transcript Ordering Objects by Length—Let's Practise
Razzi says get these items ready because today we're going to practise ordering objects by length. It's time to begin! Put these objects in order from shortest to longest. The toothbrush is the shortest, so it is first, the loaf of bread is longer than the toothbrush but shorter than the tennis racket, so it is next! The tennis racket is the longest, so it is last. Did you also put these in the same order? Let's tackle the next problem! Put these objects in order from shortest to longest. The spoon is the shortest, so it is first, the feather duster is longer than the spoon but shorter than the guitar, so it is next! The guitar is the longest, so it is last. Did you also put these in the same order? Let's practise some more! Put these objects in order from longest to shortest. The beach towel is the longest, so it is first, the book is shorter than the beach towel but longer than the postcard, so it is next! The postcard is the shortest, so it is last. Did you also put these in the same order? Let's try one more! Put these objects in order from longest to shortest. The skateboard is the longest, so it is first, the sandwich is shorter than the skateboard but longer than the mobile phone, so it is next! The mobile phone is the shortest, so it is last. Did you also put these in the same order? Razzi had so much fun practising with you today! See you next time!
Ordering Objects by Length—Let's Practise exercise
Which object is the longest?
HintsThe crayon is the shortest object here.
In this example, the beach towel is the longest object. Which option is the longest object in this question?
SolutionThe guitar is the longest object.
Put the objects in order from shortest to longest.
HintsStart by comparing these two objects. Which is the shortest?
The beach towel is the longest object.
SolutionThe order of these objects from shortest to longest is:
- Toothbrush
- Sandwich
- Tennis racquet
- Towel
Are these objects shorter or longer than the sandwich?
HintsIn this example, the phone is shorter than the sandwich. Which objects are shorter than the sandwich in this question?
In this example, the beach towel is longer than the postcard. Which options are longer than the sandwich in this question?
Two objects are longer than the sandwich and two objects are shorter than the sandwich.
SolutionThese objects are longer than the sandwich:
- table
- bus
- phone
- paper clip
Put these objects in order from longest to shortest.
HintsIs the trumpet longer or shorter than the table?
Is the table longer or shorter than the shoe?
SolutionThe order of these objects from longest to shortest is:
- Shark
- Table
- Trumpet
- Shoe
Which object is the shortest?
HintsThe truck is the longest object.
Are there any objects shorter than the pencil?
SolutionThe pencil is the shortest object.
Is each object longer or shorter than the racquet?
HintsThere are three objects that are longer than the racquet.
Are the scissors longer or shorter than the racquet?
SolutionThese objects are longer than the racquet:
- guitar
- bench
- car
- scissors