Measuring in Centimetres

Basics on the topic Measuring in Centimetres
Measuring in Centimetres Explained
A centimetre is a unit of measurement with which you can measure the length of objects. You can use a centimetre ruler or a tape measure in centimetres to measure objects. Centimetres on a ruler are the same as centimetres on a tape measure. The only only difference is that a ruler usually ends at 30 cm, but tape measures are usually longer than 30 cm!
Measuring in Centimetres – Example
To measure using a ruler or a tape measure, first make sure that the object is lined up with the zero on either measuring tool. For example, we line this button up with the zero on the ruler.
Then, we find the other end of the object, and find the number that lines up with the far end. For the button, the number two lines up with the end of the object. How many centimetres long is the button? It is two centimetres long.
Measuring in Centimetres – Summary
To measure objects using a ruler or measuring tape, you need to do the following:
Step # | What to do |
1 | Line up one end of the object with the zero on your measuring tool. |
2 | Find the far end of the object, and find the number that lines up with it. |
3 | Record the number, followed by cm to represent centimeters. |
After watching the video you will find interactive exercises, worksheets and more activities on measuring in centimetres.
Transcript Measuring in Centimetres
Zuri and Freddie found an old sewing machine in the landfill today.
"Look! There's instructions for sewing clothes, let's make some!"
"Sure, but it looks like we need to measure our materials in centimetres, how do we do that?"
Let's help Zuri and Freddie learn about "Measuring in Centimetres".
A centimetre is a unit of measurement used to measure length.
We can measure in centimetres using tools such as a ruler or a tape measure.
A ruler is normally used for objects up to thirty centimetres in length.
A tape measure can be used for objects up to, AND longer than, thirty centimetres.
Rulers and tape measures usually have both centimetres and inches.
To make sure you use the correct side, look for the side with
HERE is a button Zuri and Freddie need for the clothes.
To measure in centimetres, line up one end of the button with the ZERO mark on the ruler.
Now that it is lined up to the ZERO mark, find the mark that the FAR end of the button lines up with to find the length.
The length of the button is TWO centimetres, so write a two followed by
Measuring in Centimetres exercise
How do we measure an object using a ruler?
HintsWhen measuring with a ruler, which end should we line up first?
Here, one end of the button is lined up with 0. What would be the next step?
What must we always make sure we write at the end?
Solution- First, line up one end of the object with the 0 on the ruler.
- Next, find the mark that the far end of the object lines up with.
- Then record this number.
- Finally, add cm after the number which stands for centimetres.
How long is the pencil?
HintsOne end of the pencil is lined up to 0. Which number is the other end of the pencil lined up to?
Look carefully at which number on the ruler this end of the pencil lines up with.
The ruler has two sets of measurements on it: centimetres and inches. Today we are measuring in centimetres, which are smaller than inches.
SolutionThe pencil is 11 cm long.
One end of the pencil was lined up with 0, and we can see that the other end of the pencil lines up with 11, meaning that it is 11 cm long.
How long are each of these items?
HintsAlways double check that one end of the item being measured is lined up with 0 cm.
Look carefully at the number that the other end of the item lines up with. This is the length.
SolutionEach item was lined up with 0 cm at one end, so we look to the other end to find the length:
- The glue stick is 12 cm long.
- The pencil is 20 cm long.
- The straw is 23 cm long.
- The ribbon is 9 cm long.
Which of these lolly sticks has been measured correctly?
HintsWhere must one end of the lolly stick be lined up to?
One end must be lined up with 0 cm.
To measure the lolly stick, we look at where the other end of it lines up with.
If the measurement written is not where the other end of the stick lines up to, then it is incorrect.
Remember, today we are measuring in centimetres or cm so make sure you are using the correct side of the ruler.
SolutionHere we can see which lolly stick was measured correctly.
This was measured correctly as:
- One end is lined up with 0 cm.
- The measurement written is where the other end of the lolly stick lines up to: 6 cm.
- The units (cm) are written.
How long is Zuri's toothbrush?
HintsOne end of the toothbrush is lined up with 0 cm. Which number does the other end line up with? This is the length.
Look carefully at the mark that this end of the toothbrush lines up with.
Don't forget to add cm, the unit of measurement.
Remember, the ruler has two sets of measurements on it: centimetres and inches. Today we are measuring in centimetres, which are smaller than inches.
SolutionThe toothbrush is 15 cm long.
One end of the toothbrush lines up with 0 cm and the other end lines up with 15 cm.
Always remember to add the unit of measurement, which in this case is centimetres or cm.
How long are these pieces of cutlery?
HintsThe lines on the ruler count up in ones. Look at the last number that is written before the end of the item, and count up in ones from there.
For example, the last number we can see before the end of this lolly stick is 5, so we can count up from 5 to the mark at the end of the stick ... 6 ... 7! This lolly stick is 7 cm.
Solution- The knife is 17 cm.
- The spoon is 18 cm.
- The fork is 16 cm.