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Counting to 120

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Basics on the topic Counting to 120

Counting to 120

In this text, we will learn how to count to 120 by 1s, starting at any number less than one hundred twenty.

The numbers one hundred to one hundred and twenty follow a pattern when counting just like the numbers one to one hundred do! We can use a hundred square to help us see these patterns.


Counting to 120 – Hundreds Chart

Let’s have a closer look at a hundreds chart. One to ten always go in this order in the ones place. Then, one to ten follow the same pattern in all the rows that follow! Only the number in the tens place changes as we move down the rows.


In this row, the tens place always has a two and the number in the ones place follows the one to ten pattern: twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three and so on. Instead of the last number changing to ten, it now changes from twenty-nine to thirty.


Counting to 120 – Numbers above Hundred

The same patterns follow when we count above one hundred! This time we just say 'one hundred' first! One hundred and one, one hundred and two, one hundred and three and so on.


Remember to add the hundredths place in a place value chart, whenever you are counting numbers above 100. The number one hundred one looks like this when we put it into a place value chart:

Hundreds Tens Ones
1 0 1

Counting to 120 – Finding Missing Numbers

To find a missing number in the chart, go to the number before it. Then, start counting-on using our pattern to work it out!


Counting to 120 – Summary

If you want to count numbers from 1 to 120, you can use a hundreds chart to help you illustrate the patterns that numbers between 1 and 120 show. Below are the most important facts about numbers from 1 to 120:

  • The numbers one through one hundred twenty follow a pattern when counting. The pattern starts with one through ten. Then, the tens place changes by one as we go down each row.

  • The same patterns work when we count ABOVE one hundred. This time we just say 'one hundred' before we start!

  • To find a missing number in a one hundred twenty chart, go to the number before it.

  • Then, start counting on using our pattern to find what's missing!

Have you practised yet? On this website, you can also find interactive exercises, worksheets and more activities to help you practise counting to 120. You’ll say “I can count to 120” in no time!

Transcript Counting to 120

It’s here! Henry and Skylar’s first delivery from Puzzle of the Month Club! This month it’s a one hundred and twenty chart, except there are numbers missing! They need to count within one hundred and twenty to solve the puzzle and send away for the prize! But how?! Let's help Henry and Skylar by learning about "Counting to One Hundred and Twenty"! The numbers one hundred to one hundred and twenty follow a pattern when counting, just like the numbers one to one hundred do! We can use a hundred square to help us see these patterns. One to ten always go in this order in the ones place. Then, one to ten follow the same pattern in all the rows that follow! Only the number in the TENS place changes as we move down the rows. In THIS row, the tens place has a two, and the number in the ones place follows the one to ten pattern. See, twenty-ONE, twenty-TWO, twenty-THREE and so on. Instead of the last number changing to ten, it now changes from twenty-nine to thirty. The same patterns follow when we count ABOVE one hundred! The same patterns follow when we count ABOVE one hundred! This time we just say 'one hundred' first! One hundred and ONE, one hundred and TWO, one hundred and THREE and so on. To find a missing number, go to the number before it. Then, start counting-on using our pattern to work out which number is missing! The missing number is HERE in the row starting with twenty-one. First we read the number BEFORE the missing one, which is twenty-five. Now we can start counting-on from twenty-five using the pattern. Twenty-five, twenty-six! The missing number is twenty-six. There is a TWO in the tens place like the other numbers in that row, and the ones place follows the one to ten pattern, after five comes SIX! Let's try the next two missing numbers! The missing numbers are HERE in the row starting with one hundred and one. First we read the number BEFORE the missing ones, which is one hundred and three. Now we can start counting on from one hundred and three using the same pattern. One hundred and three, one hundred and four, one hundred and five! So the missing numbers are one hundred and four and one hundred and five! They start with ONE HUNDRED like all the numbers in that row, and the next numbers follow the one to ten pattern, after three comes FOUR then FIVE! As Skylar and Henry find the last few numbers, let's review! Today we learnt about counting to one hundred and twenty! The numbers one to one hundred and twenty follow a pattern when counting. The pattern starts with one to ten. Then, the tens place changes by one as we go through each row of ten! The same patterns work when we count ABOVE one hundred. This time we just say 'one hundred' before we start! To find a missing number in a one hundred and twenty chart, go to the number before it. Then, start counting on using our pattern to work out the missing number! Look! Henry and Skylar solved the puzzle. Now they can send away for the prize, a box of chocolate covered flies! "That is NOT a prize! That is GROSS!" "Are you kidding?! This is the best prize that Frogger's Digest has ever had." "Frogger's Digest!? I thought this was the Puzzle of the Month Club!"

Counting to 120 exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Counting to 120.
  • What is the missing number?


    Remember, to find the missing number, start at the number before and count on.

    Remember, look for patterns in the rows and columns.

    What is the last digit of the numbers in the column with the missing number?


    We start at the number before the missing number, 101.

    101, 102.

    By counting up, we discover the missing number is 102.

    This follows the pattern of the rows and columns.

    • All numbers in this column end in 2.
    • The numbers in this row start 10_ until 110.

  • Identify the missing numbers.


    Remember, read the number before the gap, and use the pattern to count and find the missing number.

    Can you use a row of this chart to help you?


    By counting on, we identify the missing numbers.

    111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118.

    Even though we are above 100, the pattern stays the same.

  • Complete the row.


    Remember, in this row, the tens place always has a two, and the number in the ones place changes.

    Look at this example of a different row to see the pattern.


    To fill in this row, we can follow the pattern in the columns to see which number should be in the ones place.

    We can also look at the number before, and count on.

    21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

  • Complete the column.


    Remember, only the number in the tens place changes as we move down the column.

    Look at the number before, and the number after. Count on to find the missing number.


    The missing numbers are 32, 42, 62, 72, and 82! As we moved down the column of the hundred square, only the tens place changed.

  • How many chocolate flies?


    Remember, the same pattern continues past 100. Start at the number before, and count on.

    In this example, 34 is the number before this missing number. We count on to find the missing number.

    34, 35.

    The missing number is 35.


    Henry won 109 chocolate flies! The number before was 108, and we counted on. 108, 109.

  • Can you help Skylar and Henry to win the prize?


    Remember, look at the number before the missing number, and the number after. Count on to find the missing number.

    Remember, the ones place changes in rows, and the tens place changes in columns.


    The same patterns continue when we count above 100. We found the missing numbers by going to the number before it, and counting on.

    For example, the first missing number was 65. We went to 64, and counted on to get 65.

    The same pattern was used to find the missing number 119. We start at the number before it, 118, and count on to get 119.

    Now Skylar and Henry can complete the puzzle and claim their prize!