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Adding Using a Hundred Square

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Basics on the topic Adding Using a Hundred Square

Hundred Square: Addition Adding Chart

Have you ever counted to a hundred? Maybe you have used a hundred square to help you do this. Did you know that you can also use a hundred square grid to add? Let’s learn all about how we use the hundred square as an addition chart.

What is a 100 Square in Maths?

You might be wondering ‘What is a hundred square chart?’ A hundred square is a square divided into one hundred equal parts. It shows the numbers one to one hundred in rows and columns.


The numbers start at one and count forwards across the rows. At the end of each row, you come back to the beginning of the row below to continue counting.

Keyword Definition
Hundred Square A square divided into 100 equal parts showing the numbers 1 - 100.
Row A line of numbers going across the hundred square e.g. the row that shows 11 - 20.
Column A line of numbers going down the hundred square e.g. the column that shows the numbers with 2 in the ones place.

How Do You Use a Hundred Square as an Addition Number Chart?

When faced with an addition problem there are many tools we can use to help us. One tool we can use is a hundred square for number chart addition. Let’s use the problem 15 + 6 as an example.

Start by finding and circling the larger addend on the hundred square. Which is the larger addend in the problem 15 + 6? 15 is the larger addend, or number, so we find this on the hundred square.


We then need to count on by the amount of the second addend, this time that is 6. From 15, count 6 steps forwards. Remember, when you get to the end of a row, start counting again at the beginning of the row below.


When we count on 6 from 15, we get to 21. Therefore, 15 + 6 = 21.

Hundred chart addition – Summary of Steps

When adding two numbers on a hundred square, follow these instructions:

  • First, find the larger addend, or number, on the hundred square.
  • Next, count on by the smaller addend, or number.
  • The number you land on is the answer.

Addition Chart to 100 Further Practise

Have you practised adding using a hundred square? On this website you can also find hundred square interactive exercises, activities and worksheets. Happy adding!

Transcript Adding Using a Hundred Square

"I can't believe we've become captured as pets! Maybe we can use your beam to get us out." Imani has found some things in the cage to create a portal using their beam. Hang on, what's this? There's an equation on the door! "I guess we need to solve it to make the door open." Mr. Squeaks and Imani can use "Adding Using a Hundred Square" to help them open the doors. There are many different tools and strategies to help us add. Today we will use a hundred square, an incredible tool to help solve problems, see patterns or even just count! A hundred square is organised with numbers one to one hundred in columns and rows. Remember, when you read a hundred square you read it like a book, from left to right. The equation Mr. Squeaks and Imani need to solve first is fifteen plus six. When using the hundred square to solve addition problems, start by circling the bigger addend, or number, on the chart. What's the bigger addend here? Fifteen. Next, count on the amount of the second addend. We need to count on six more to find the answer, count with me! One, two, three, four, five, six! Finally, the number you land on, twenty-one, is the sum, or answer! "No! We're in the cage again! And it looks like we need to solve another equation before we can teleport again." Mr. Squeaks and Imani can use adding with a hundred square to get the portal open again! Their next equation is twenty-three plus seven. Remember to start by circling the bigger addend or number on the hundred square. Next, we can count on the amount of the second addend, so we need to count up seven more. Count with me! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven! Finally, the number that you land on is the sum, or answer. What is the sum here? The sum is thirty! So, twenty-three plus seven is thirty. "Please tell me we're back home...oh rats! One more time for good luck?" Mr. Squeaks and Imani are going to solve one more equation to try to get home. If their equation is thirty-one plus eight, what should they do first? First they should circle their bigger addend on the hundreds chart, thirty-one. Next, they need to count up eight, let's help them count! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! Finally, the number that they land on is the sum, or answer. What is the sum of thirty-one plus eight? Thirty-nine! Before we see if Mr. Squeaks and Imani have finally made it home, let's review. Today we learnt about adding using a hundred square. Remember, when adding using a hundred square, always start by circling the bigger addend, or number on the chart. Next, count on the amount of the second addend or number. Finally, the number that you land on is the sum, or answer. Now, let's see if they finally made it home. "I slept so well last night, what about you Imani? Wait a second, I'm in my bed? At home? Was it all just a dream?"

Adding Using a Hundred Square exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Adding Using a Hundred Square.
  • How do we use a 100 square to add?


    Which number should we start counting from?

    Addend is a special name for the numbers that you are adding together.

    You will find the sum at the very end of an addition problem.


    To solve an addition problem using a 100 square, follow the steps below:

    1. Find the bigger number (or addend). For example, in the problem 12 + 4 = ?, 12 is the larger addend.
    2. Circle the bigger addend on the 100 square. For example, in the problem, 12 + 4 = ?, you would circle 12 on the number chart.
    3. Count on the amount of the smaller number (or addend). For example, in the problem, 12 + 4 = ?, begin at the number 12 that you have circled and then count on 4 more.
    4. The number that you land on is the sum, or answer. For example, in the problem, 12 + 4 = ?, you land on the number 16. So, 12 + 4 = 16.
  • Solve an addition problem using a 100 square.


    The larger addend is 35. So, you should begin at the number 35 on the 100 square.

    The smaller addend is 8. You need to count on 8 more from 35 to find the answer (or sum) on the 100 square.

    Remember, you should read a 100 square like a book: from left to right!


    Here are the steps for solving the equation, 35 + 8 = ?, with a 100 square:

    • Begin at the larger addend, which is 35. Circle 35 on the 100 square.
    • Count on the amount of the smaller addend. In this equation, the smaller addend is 8, so you should count on 8 spaces on the 100 square.
    • The number that you land on, 43, is the sum. So, 35 + 8 = 43.

  • Can you answer the addition problems using a 100 square?


    To solve an equation, first find and begin at the larger addend on the 100 square.

    Count on the amount of the smaller addend to find the sum.

    Remember, you read a 100 square like a book: from left to right!


    To solve an addition problem using a 100 square, follow the steps below:

    1. Find the larger addend.
    2. Circle the larger addend on the 100 square.
    3. Find the smaller addend.
    4. Count on the amount of the smaller addend.
    5. The number that you land on is the sum, or answer.

    Correct answers

    • 44 + 6 = 50
    • 10 + 7 = 17
    • 42 + 11 = 53
    • 75 + 6 = 81

  • What is the answer of each addition problem?


    Look carefully, the larger addend is not always the first number in the equation.

    Remember, to solve with the 100 square, begin at the larger addend and count on the amount of the smaller addend.



    • 12 + 60 = 72
    • 50 + 22 = 72
    • 69 + 21 = 90
    • 2 + 88 = 90
    • 36 + 9 = 45
    • 20 + 25 = 45

  • Show how to add on a 100 square.


    The addends are 50 and 6. The bigger number is already highlighted on the 100 square.

    The smaller addend is 6. Count up from 50 to find the sum.

    Remember, you read a 100 square like a book: from left to right!


    To solve the equation, 50 + 6 = ?:

    • First, find the larger addend, which is 50. 50 is already highlighted.
    • Next, find the smaller addend, which is 6.
    • Count up until you reach the sum, 56.
    • 50 + 6 = 56
    We can see the numbers we count highlighted on the hundred square above.

  • Can you free Mr. Squeaks and Imani?


    Use the 100 square to help you solve each problem.

    Look at the equation carefully to find the larger addend. It is not always the first number that you see.

    Remember, begin at the larger addend on the 100 square and count on the smaller addend amount. The number you land on is the sum, or answer.


    To solve an addition problem using a 100 square, follow the steps below:

    1. Find the larger addend. This is not always the first number! For example, in the equation 3 + 70 = ?, 3 comes first, but 70 is greater than 3!
    2. Circle the larger addend on the 100 square.
    3. Find the smaller addend.
    4. Count on the amount of the smaller addend.
    5. The number that you land on is the sum, or answer.

    Correct answers

    • 3 + 70 = 73
    • 28 + 7 = 35
    • 61 + 7 = 68
    • 40 + 12 = 52