Try sofatutor for 30 Days

Discover why over 1.6 MILLION pupils choose sofatutor!

24-hour help from teachers

Ask questions anytime and achieve your study goals.

If you ever get stuck when you’re studying, you can ask a question anytime using the live help or ChatBox. Our teachers are there to assist you with the material you’re working on at school or provide individual, one-on-one support as needed. That way, you stay motivated and avoid getting frustrated.

Ask your first question now:
Try it for 30 Days

24-hour help is included in every Premium membership.

Try it for 30 Days

24-hour help is included in every Premium membership.

Example showing a live help session
Live help is available in the following subjects:
  • Maths

  • English

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

  • Science

Live help is available in the following subjects:
  • Maths

  • English

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

  • Science

Live help is available in the following subjects:
  • Maths

  • English

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

  • Science

You’ll get quick answers in the live help from 3 pm to 5 pm.
Why 24-hour help is so effective
  • Illustration showing a teacher and two pupils
    Quick answers to your questions

    If you’re ever stuck on an exercise, simply ask a question in the live help or use the teachers’ inbox (the ChatBox) outside of our live help hours. If you’d like, you can also upload a photo of the exercise. Our expert team will take the time to explain it to you.

  • Illustration showing a teacher explaining something to a pupil
    One-on-one explanations

    Our teachers take the time to help you solve whatever problem you may be having. Using the digital whiteboard, they can explain even the most difficult material to you until you’ve truly understood it.

  • Illustration showing a pupil searching live help for answers
    Making school stress a thing of the past

    Are your parents on your back about your homework assignments? 24-hour help can assist you in any subject while also making life easier for your parents. This way, your school work will not be a point of contention at home any longer.

Outside our live help hours we will answer your questions via the teachers’ inbox.

Ask questions at any time and avoid getting frustrated with your studies.
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Seal of Trust, trusted Learning platform, 4.6 Stars
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